Comments on Course Comments on Marney's Paintings
Such wonderful and detailed feedback. Thank you sooo much for your thoughts , you have such an eye for detail that I have found very helpful. You have shown me things that I had not even thought of. I knew there were many issues but was scratching my head as to how to improve it. I knew my colours were wrong as mentioned, but all the other bits you have outlined makes so much sense.
I think all your points have helped me more than anything anyone has ever helped me with before. I have taken everything on board and will do this painting again as soon as I can - I’ve got a bit happening at the moment. I will certainly email my 2nd edition. Thank you again and thanks for the encouraging positives you have given me also. I will not give up!! Jeanette Smith, 2023 So masterful! I always tell people that taking your class was the best gift I ever gave myself as a new artist. It’s time for me to revisit it. I did enter my first juried show - and one of my floral paintings was picked as the favorite by visitors. It was a huge moment for me! I owe that to your teaching and mentoring.
Laurie Stoff Worth, 2022 I found every part of it to be incredibly useful. And don’t discontinue using the prior students step by step paintings, with your periodic critiques, to teach us. Their paintings & your critiques of them were extremely important & useful. I also love using single pigment paints. That’s brand new for me. All your written material is so thought out, comprehensive and applicable to every painting.
The knowledge you’ve given us is so much more than any other teacher has. It was an honor & privilege to be able to take your class. Thank you very very much!! Katie Walsh, 2022 Your student critique has been very valuable to me as it suddenly opens my eyes, to be able to see what you see.
Ingrid Klingenberg , 2021 I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your class. You give so much helpful information and I am trying to absorb as much as I can. I am not a real experienced watercolor painter... have only been at it not quite four years, but your class is invaluable for things I need to learn. Was only starting to practice wet into wet for soft edges and your tips are appreciated. I almost have my background done and am currently reading four of the books you recommended. Thank you again. You are a great teacher and I will try to be a great learner.
Gail Jones, 2021 I must tell you that your video demonstrations, your verbal commentaries, your student critiques and all the handouts are BY FAR the clearest and most helpful I have ever seen/heard, and I have taken lessons on and off over many years, in night school and with private teachers. They are as inspiring as they are helpful, and I will, no doubt, be using them as references for some time!
Claire Weeks, 2020 Took your course last January and It was all good. Just wanted to say to you that your page on Titles has been so useful. I pull it out every time I’m looking to title a painting and it always gives me a way to look at my paintings and come up with a title. Inspirational. I’m putting it on the fridge door. Thank you.
Pat Thorson, 2020 Thank you for the very comprehensive, informative and inspiring water colour course. I thoroughly enjoyed your suggestions and seeing the progression in the students art. That format was very useful for me as a new student. I’m still learning the basics of water colour. Lesson two of your course has been very helpful for colour blending. I will continue to paint, paint, paint! I’m hooked!
Shelagh, 2020 I want to thank you so much for your wonderful course. I am trying to find my "voice" as you say, instead of copying others, as I've done in the past. When I feel lost, I take out your course and re-read your words. I am finding it so helpful. A most grateful student,
Betty Haines, 2019 I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your own videos. I learned so much watching you paint and describe what you were doing and why. I have watched quite a few YouTube videos on watercolour instruction but I must say I really learned a lot more from watching you!
Susie Sinclair, 2019 This course was excellent and very beneficial! Thank you so much for sharing your skills and knowledge - I definitely learned a lot. From making my own reference photo with strong values, to cropping the pictures to get the best composition, making soft edges and increasing the intensity of colours and contrasts, all your advises were amazing! I am sure I will come back to your lessons again and again as I grow as an artist. I would definitely recommend this course to others!
Irina Valentin, 2019 It has been such a pleasure to take your course. Each week I looked forward to your tutorials. Thank-you for sharing your passion, talent and instruction. Your paintings are absolutely stunning and will keep me motivated to keep practising and learning. Thanks for sharing the videos and thank your students for allowing you to share their progress and paintings. It was all very inspirational. Many thanks,
Verna, 2019 I loved the course, have it all printed out and it's on my shelf with my flower books because I do consider it as a book filled with most valuable information that I will be referring to again and again! And I believe you should write a book, it would be a smash hit! Thank you for your gorgeous flower paintings, something for me to aspire to!
JoAnne Magnan Welch, 2019 This was a wonderful class. I could not be happier with the content and how in depth it was. You are encouraging and I take heart in your words that we will develop our own style if we keep on painting. I had high expectations coming from you - but it really exceeded my hopes. Thank you Marney!
Laurie Stoff Worth, 2018 Your course is really well-organized, thoughtfully planned and thorough. . . . You were incredibly observant of your student’s work, and provided helpful and thorough advice in your weekly critiques. You chose good examples of the various kinds of problems that students encounter, and provided concrete solutions. It was fun to watch them develop.
While your paintings overall are incredible, I think that in addition your careful attention to backgrounds puts you a cut above others. . . .Finally, your wise words on critiquing yourself and on expressing your voice were exceptionally thought-provoking and well-stated. A wonderful closure to the course. Jane, 2018 |
Oh my, yet another masterpiece of stunning beauty! I hope you have at least some idea of how much wonder and joy your paintings bring into my world; I'm deeply grateful!
Hilary E. Your paintings are like drops of honey on my heart. This is how I would dream to paint.
Anna P. I have not seen one of Marneys paintings yet that doesnt fill you with wonder and love at the beautiful delicate
subjects she creates. I hadnt realised till now how a painting of a flower could be so evocative of wonder and emotion. Gary W. I especially love yours (your daisies) because you capture their essential nature and allow me a bird’s eye view and I can’t help but fall in love. Every one is teeming with it’s own personality yet their sense of community at the same time is equally as powerful and delightful. I am always grateful for your insight that’s expressed in all your paintings because it resonates so profoundly and brings such joyful recognition of the familiar in the new.
Gail S. Oh my gracious , I haven't seen your painting in a long time.. I am not on face book very much.. But to see your lifelike beauitful Paintings put a big smile on my face. Thank you for showing your work and the love that is express in them.
Carol H. Your watercolors make my soul soar.
Betsy E. In this fear driven world right now, your paintings offer a moment of repose.
Sarah O. Your flowers bring a flash of hope amidst a dark world.
Karel D. Marney, it's cold and raining and dark outside. But when I see your paintings, it's like a breath of fresh air in the sunshine.
Marina B. Gracias a ti por presentarnos esta manera tan maravillosa de ver la luz
Thank you for introducing us to this so wonderful way to see the light. Angela D. Words are not enough 2 express Ur calibre in this outstanding creation !!
Sayan D. I keep trying to come up with that one word that can truly describe just how amazing your work truly is other than beautiful, amazing, exquisite, or unbelievable but there isn't just one word. It takes all those words just to begin to describe your work. Really!
Linda S. Dear Marney, your beautiful soul created this amazing painting. Thank you . You are blessed.
Kristen L. Marney I never thought I could get emotional about a painting of flowers yet each of your works are an absolute thrill and brings tears to my eyes.I've admired art all my life, especially love watercolours. You have such a wonderful talent...I enjoy looking at the folds of the petals, how you capture the light so strikingly and your colours are to die for...beautiful,beautiful,beautiful.
Janelle S. Vous embellissez ma journée.. Splendide... Un plaisir à regarder..
You beautify my day.. Splendid... A pleasure to look at... Benedicte M. This genuinely almost brought me to tears.
Marquessa H. Marney, everytime I see a piece of your art I literally light up from the inside out. I totally love your unique style. You are such a fabulous artist.
Clare H. ❤️ You are precise and articulate in your field! It is an exceptional experience to see your work! Keep on keeping! Such an exceptional lift to the spirit - every time!
Judithann M. This is breathtakingly beautiful you are a true master!
Weronika B. I look forward to your paintings every day! Each one seems more stunning than the last. Your eye and talent seems to know no bounds. Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous paintings!
Melissa J. Your art is a wonderful little respite in the deluge of social media.
Jeremy D. Marney your style is instantly recognisable . As soon as the picture surfaces I say "that's Marney . You bring such joy to my day please do not stop posting.
Susan C. This is so close to realism, I actually thought it was a photograph at first glance. You have an incredible understanding of watercolour, and an amazing talent.
catwalkferret Gorgeous you capture the magic of nature in the caresses of sunlight. Exquisite.
carolswatercolourpaintings Невероятная красота, чистая, светящаяся!!! Наслаждение для глаз!!!
Incredible beauty, clean, glowing!!! A feast for the eyes!!! Natalia M. This is astoundingly beautiful! Not sure how you managed to improve on Mother Nature but I think you did here.
agcurleyart Every time, your paintings are a marvel! I have no idea how you always create such magic.
lizhoageart I just found you and would just like to say how beautiful your work is. This is the level of watercolour artistry I dream of! Thanks for sharing your beautiful work.
suejimbel I used to think it was silly painting flowers because how could you ever attempt to capture even 1/10th of their beauty? But I think I just changed my mind.
darngooddogdoodles Your floral work speaks to my soul. It's literally the most beautiful thing ever. Spectacular. Your composition as always is perfection.
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